A Vision of Interdependence & Care

a community in which everyone is cared for, absent of hunger, poverty and hate

Inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King's vision, Beloved Community Mpls is the hope of neighbors living in the vicinity of the George Floyd Memorial in Minneapolis. On many occasions, Dr. King called his audiences into this vision. 

According to the Harvard website, his Beloved Community was one in which "everyone is cared for, absent of poverty, hunger, and hate." Dr. King "popularized the term during his lifetime of activism and imbued it with new meaning, fueled by his faith that such a community was, in fact, possible."

We're building that kind of community right in our own backyards, blocks and alleys - by coming together to build friendships, support youth and take care of one another. 

Perhaps no one living today can describe this vision more powerfully than Dr. King's son, Martin Luther King III. Read his address to the Brigham Young University campus, where he describes not only what the term Beloved Community means, but what we can each do to make it a reality.

Life's Blueprint

Watch Dr. King deliver this powerful message
for young people, with a message that speaks to all people, as relevant now as it was in 1967.

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